Department Activities

Expert Lecture On engineering mechanics

 Speaker Er. P.S.Patil Ashokrao mane polytechnic Wathar tarf vadgoan
 Speaker Profile Name: Mr. Prashant S.Patil Designation:   Lecturer Teaching  Experience: Over 4 years Industrial  Experience: 2 year

Exposure visit at Patwardhan Poultry farm, Jainapur ,Taluka –Shirol, Dist –Kolhapur

Course details  FS 354- Agricultural structures and Environmental   controls 
Visit site Patwardhan Poultry farm, Jainapur , Taluka –Shirol ,Dist –Kolhapur
Purpose  of visit To get practical exposure related to various practices and technology used in Poultry house
  Exposure visit at Shrivardhan Biotech, Kondigre, Taluka – Shirol, District – Kolhapur
Course details  CAF-FS: 471- Design and Maintenances of Greenhouse
Visit site Shrivardhan Biotech, Kondigre, Taluka – Shirol, District – Kolhapur
Purpose  of visit To get practical exposure related to various practices and technology used in Greenhouse
  Exposure visit at Islampur   Taluka –walwa Dist –Sangli
Course details FS-244- Building Construction and cost estimation
Visit site   Islampur   Taluka –walwa Dist –Sangli
Purpose  of visit To get knowledge about the actual construction site and manufacturing of construction materials