Prof. P. D. Ukey
Head of the Department
Processing & Food Engineering is one of the major departments of B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.) degree course. Agricultural commodities get wasted due to improper handling & lack of knowledge in food processing techniques. In processing & Food Engineering many unit operations like cleaning, grading, sorting, drying, dehydration, sterilization, storage, evaporation, pasteurization, etc. are studied. The main objective of the department is to provide in-depth knowledge of subjects and to develop student’s intellectual capacity to improve cognitive and transferable skills which provide better knowledge and skill in the field of Processing & Food Engineering. The department offers various projects to the final year students as a part of their academic fulfillment based on the local and future needs of the farmers and entrepreneurs. The faculty is professionally sound and well experienced. This department is mainly engaged in teaching, research, and development of new machines/technologies for the farmers and entrepreneurs. Department has developed many technologies such as a modified zero-energy cool chamber, solar tunnel dryer, turmeric cooker, garlic peeler, solar dryer, vegetable sorter machine, slicing machine, storage cum drying metal bin, etc. In India food industries now become the largest growing sector. To get sound and practical hands-on experience of various food processing related technologies, the students are sent every year to In-plant Training and internship program in various food industries. Department is engaged in creating a young & dynamic processor technocrat & food handler which leads the farmers’ betterment.